RAW Talk / Muhsen

Black background. To the top left is red text that reads RAW TALK. To the top right is white text that reads PRESENTS. Beneath is a white muhsen logo. Beneath is text that reads Feryaal Tahir. What does Islam say about disability? Join us to find out what difference you can make to this forgotten community. Friday 7:00 PM UK time. At the bottom left is text that reads DM us for zoom link. At the bottom right is an orange muhsen logo.

RAW Talk (group from Manchester UK) – Talk it out! Mental Health, Social, and Spiritual issues afflicting Muslims!⠀

This week will feature Feryaal Tahir for a discussion about inclusion of Muslims with disabilities.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 915 6373 9459
Password: 123456


يناير 08


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM



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