Muhsen Adult Day Program: Warming up Chicago

Text Reads MUHSEN Adult Day Program Warming up Chicago. Blanket-making with MUHSEN and MAS. Sunday February 13 1-4pm. Muhsen Center 2605 W 22nd St, Suite 39 Oak Brook IL 60523. Beneath to the left is a cartoon image of a stack of blankets. To the right is text that reads Participants and volunteers welcome! Volunteers must attend training. Beneath is a MAS logo and a Muhsen logo. At the bottom is a blue text box that reads Limited capacity. RSVP to

Join Muhsen and MAS to make warm blankets!

Sunday February 13, 2022

1-4 pm CST

Muhsen Center: 2605 W 22nd St, Suite 39 Oak Brook, IL 60523

Limited Capacity: RSVP at


فبراير 13


1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

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