Muhsen Calbuddies Program: Bay Area Chapter

Blue background. Text reads Attention parents/caregivers. Welcome to the Muhsen CalBuddies Program. Sponsored by Bay Area Muhsen Chapter. This program is focused on individuals of all ages with special needs and disabilities who are interested in virtually connecting with a Muslim peer buddy. Participants will be matched with a trained Muhsen volunteer and will have the opportunity to make a friend, play online games, do arts and crafts, and discuss interesting topics with their fellow Muslim peer buddy. If you are a parent or caregiver who is interested, please sign up at For questions/inquiries, please contact

Welcome to our Muhsen Calbuddies Program, sponsored by Bay Area Muhsen Chapter. We are offering a program for individuals of all ages with special needs and disabilities, who are interested in connecting virtually with a Muslim peer buddy at least 30 minutes a week. Participants will get the opportunity to play online games, discuss interesting topics, do arts and crafts, and learn more about a fellow Muslim peer buddy. Please note that peer buddies are trained Muhsen volunteers, they are not licensed behavioral therapists. Once you have filled out the interest form, one of the CalBuddies Program Coordinators will reach out soon to pair the participant with one of our volunteers. If you have any questions/inquiries, feel free to email


يناير 27

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